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Be able to ban users for a certain number of hours


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Be able to ban users for a certain number of hours

Template Edit Description:

This is an edit of the /modcp/banning.php file.
It allows you to ban users for a certain number of hours (you choose).
Difficulty: Easy

Step 1:

Open modcp/banning.php in an editor of your choice, for this tutorial I will be using Notepad ++.

On line 261 find the code:
// check that the number of days is valid    if ($vbulletin->GPC['period'] != 'PERMANENT' AND !preg_match('#^(D|M|Y)_[1-9][0-9]?$#', $vbulletin->GPC['period']))    {        print_stop_message('invalid_ban_period_specified');    }
Look at the (D|M|Y) code and do this:

// check that the number of days is valid    if ($vbulletin->GPC['period'] != 'PERMANENT' AND !preg_match('#^(h|D|M|Y)_[1-9][0-9]?$#', $vbulletin->GPC['period']))    {        print_stop_message('invalid_ban_period_specified');    }
As you can see, I have added the h before it. DON't use a capital H as it will not work.

Step 2:

On line 395 find this code:
// make a list of banning period options    $periodoptions = array(        $temporary_phrase => array(            'D_1'  => "1 $vbphrase[day]",            'D_2'  => "2 $vbphrase[days]",            'D_3'  => "3 $vbphrase[days]",            'D_4'  => "4 $vbphrase[days]",            'D_5'  => "5 $vbphrase[days]",            'D_6'  => "6 $vbphrase[days]",            'D_7'  => "7 $vbphrase[days]",            'D_10' => "10 $vbphrase[days]",            'D_14' => "2 $vbphrase[weeks]",            'D_21' => "3 $vbphrase[weeks]",            'M_1'  => "1 $vbphrase[month]",            'M_2' => "2 $vbphrase[months]",            'M_3' => "3 $vbphrase[months]",            'M_4' => "4 $vbphrase[months]",            'M_5' => "5 $vbphrase[months]",            'M_6' => "6 $vbphrase[months]",            'Y_1' => "1 $vbphrase[year]",            'Y_2' => "2 $vbphrase[years]",        ),
Above the 'D_1' => "1 $vbphrase[day]", add:

'h_1' => "1 $vbphrase[hours]",
'h_6' => "6 $vbphrase[hours]",
'h_12' => "12 $vbphrase[hours]",

You can change these to suit you best (or add more).

It should now look like:​


It is useful if you do not wish to ban a user for a day, just a little go away type thing.

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