Well-Known Member
Staff member
[bd] Anonymous Posting
Posting as nobody know who you are.
1. Upload files and directories inside `upload` to XenForo's root directory. Select "Merge" for everything if you are asked.
2. Import the .xml file using XenForo addon importer
3. Enjoy
This addon does support attachment posting. The post will be posted as Guest with the display name of "Anonymous" unless a username is configured in AdminCP (Options > Threads, Discussions and Conversations > [Anonymous Posting] Poster). The IP of the post is still available as usual.
Original request: Anonymous Posting - Improved privacy for members | XenForo Community
Note to people who used v1.3.2 of this add-on: this is an updated version and you can upgrade it over the old version. However, the permission system has been redone so all the old options will be removed. You will have to use XenForo permission system to configure it. The two permissions are
General/Reveal anonymously-posted posts
Forum Permissions/Post anonymously
Posting as nobody know who you are.
1. Upload files and directories inside `upload` to XenForo's root directory. Select "Merge" for everything if you are asked.
2. Import the .xml file using XenForo addon importer
3. Enjoy
This addon does support attachment posting. The post will be posted as Guest with the display name of "Anonymous" unless a username is configured in AdminCP (Options > Threads, Discussions and Conversations > [Anonymous Posting] Poster). The IP of the post is still available as usual.
Original request: Anonymous Posting - Improved privacy for members | XenForo Community
Note to people who used v1.3.2 of this add-on: this is an updated version and you can upgrade it over the old version. However, the permission system has been redone so all the old options will be removed. You will have to use XenForo permission system to configure it. The two permissions are
General/Reveal anonymously-posted posts
Forum Permissions/Post anonymously