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Active Member
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Brodhecker
Christopher', 'runner', 2136987456,
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Brodhecker Christopher',
'Mastercard', 457555578125417,
'cab3091@rit.edu', '05/2013');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('cab3091@rit.edu', '6164
Woodmont Ave', 'Bethesda', 'MD',
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Jena Kiney',
'jackson', 4563882310, 'jke445@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Jena Kiney', 'Visa', 833568575580104,
'jke445@rit.edu', '08/2014');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('jke445@rit.edu', '1 Lomb
Memorial Dr', 'Denver', 'CA', 48481);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Under Influe',
'suckit', 4405789012, 'dui@aol.com');
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Under Influe', 'Mastercard',
852053997309087, 'dui@aol.com',
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('dui@aol.com', '1 Lomb
Memorial Dr', 'Denver', 'CA', 48481);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Storm Chaser',
'gateway', 2344457980, 'cher@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Storm Chaser', 'Visa',
247629345460009, 'cher@aol.com',
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('cher@aol.com', '43 Jefferson
Rd', 'Easton', 'NY', 19482);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Umd Liagram',
'football', 6520981283, 'umliar@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Umd Liagram', 'Visa',
283637734360987, 'umliar@rit.edu',
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('umliar@rit.edu', '1109 Lomb
St', 'Eastville', 'NY', 57013);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Stern Ellio',
'leather', 45698712589, 'eds7978@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Stern Ellio', 'America Express',
661729665940240, 'eds7978@
uor.edu', '11/2012');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('eds7978@uor.edu', '11
McEwen St', 'Fishkill', 'NY', 92038);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('David Sweeney',
'12345', 5554986532, 'S_dave@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('David Sweeney', 'Visa',
427145295029506, 'S_dave@aol.com',
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('S_dave@aol.com', '907
William St', 'Henrietta', 'CO', 78765);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Web Nicholas',
'qwerty', 4013450919, 'webnickels@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Web Nicholas', 'Mastercard',
332812076660833, 'webnickels@
aol.com', '06/2013');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('webnickels@aol.com', '442
Main St', 'Henrietta', 'CO', 78765);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Franklin Ssozi',
'prince', 3324098976, 'vivy@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Franklin Ssozi', 'Visa',
613045960598273, 'vivy@yahoo.com',
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('vivy@yahoo.com', '8818 Elm
St', 'Huntington', 'VA', 34621);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Larivee Robert',
'abcde', 5653217895, 'rll8081@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Larivee Robert', 'America Express',
690169772150528, 'rll8081@
amazon.net', '05/2013');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('rll8081@amazon.net', '12
Main St', 'Huntsville', 'NY', 63242);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Ssozi Franklin',
'startrek', 2369875214, 's5835@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Ssozi Franklin', 'America Express',
641043539163744, 's5835@gen.roy',
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('s5835@gen.roy', '81
Sycamore St', 'Jacksonville', 'CO',
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Pardun Richard',
'matrix', 1326548523, 'rjp8941@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Pardun Richard', 'America Express',
148943515575040, 'rjp8941@yut.edu',
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('rjp8941@yut.edu', '126 West
St', 'Monroe', 'VA', 88446);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Guy Ritchie',
'cameron', 4563782091, 'GRitchie@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Guy Ritchie', 'Visa',
611344338168387, 'GRitchie@
wer.com', '08/2012');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('GRitchie@wer.com', '6784
Charters Way', 'Mont Village', 'NY',
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Kelley-Hoffman
Christopher', 'player', 5283697981,
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Kelley-Hoffman Christopher',
'America Express', 664857696215276,
'cmk8280@juo.edu', '11/2014');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('cmk8280@juo.edu', '3672
Jackson St', 'Montgomery', 'MD', 10992)
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Gabe Smith',
'beach', 4545347984, 'gSmit@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Gabe Smith', 'Visa',
806825204389109, 'gSmit@
omicron.net', '03/2012');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('gSmit@omicron.net', '9932
1st Ave', 'Mount Hope', 'MD', 19841);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Flow Visio',
'money', 3012573456, 'visiF@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Flow Visio', 'Mastercard',
131109122749092, 'visiF@gmail.com',
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('visiF@gmail.com', '785 E.
River Rd', 'Rochester', 'ME', 80913);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Adam BL',
'dragon', 4012349082, 'BLADAM@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Adam BL', 'Mastercard',
368739501527325, 'BLADAM@
BREF.NET', '10/2010');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('BLADAM@BREF.NET', '901
2nd St', 'Rochester', 'DE', 10029);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Fotiades
Gregory', 'test', 4654651235,
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Fotiades Gregory', 'Mastercard',
475503403198570, 'gwf8877@
kla.lskd', '06/2013');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('gwf8877@kla.lskd', '6732
Jefferson Rd', 'Rochester', 'NY', 51351);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Jackson Sara',
'teens', 1234567894, 'sej3506@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Jackson Sara', 'America Express',
702634211793119, 'sej3506@
yahoo.com', '07/2015');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('sej3506@yahoo.com', '46178
E River Rd', 'Rochester', 'NY', 51351);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Kazemian
Fereydoun', 'young', 9876543215,
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Kazemian Fereydoun', 'America
Express', 733436244532502, 'fxkics@
hol.kol', '07/2010');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('fxkics@hol.kol', '18729
William St', 'Rochester', 'CO', 25326);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Draft Influe',
'whatever', 4530987654, 'influes@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Draft Influe', 'Mastercard',
488189742901359, 'influes@
dmv.com', '07/2012');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('influes@dmv.com', '616
Lanier Dr', 'Spring', 'ME', 12091);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Zymaniak
Jonathan', 'hunting', 8746951236,
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Zymaniak Jonathan', 'America
Express', 134832180695588, 'jts7739@
rit.edu', '11/2012');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('jts7739@rit.edu', '131 Dewey
Way', 'Springfield', 'NJ', 52985);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Adwick Ryan',
'boomer', 4523169874, 'rdc6124@
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Adwick Ryan', 'Mastercard',
847295696085789, 'rdc6124@
jkajka.edut', '08/2011');
insert into AddressInformation(email,
streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)
values ('rdc6124@jkajka.edut', '256
Penn Ave', 'Washington', 'WA', 83510);
insert into Customer(name, password,
phone, email) values ('Maddona
Williams', 'doctor', 1029488101,
insert into CreditCard(ccName, ccType,
ccNumber, email, ccExpiration) values
('Maddona Williams', 'Visa',
277852913510810, 'willmado@
verion.com', '10/2012');

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