XenForo Enhanced Search is an add-on that replaces the built-in XenForo search system and is built to take advantage of Elasticsearch to provide a higher performing and more flexible search system for XenForo. It can be purchased from XenForo.com directly.
XenForo Enhanced Search requires...
This XenForo 2.x addon adds additional definitions for bot detection in sessions.
This allows more accurate indication of the number of users vs robots online at any given time.
New bot definitions are pulled automatically via API and potential new bots detected are sent back to the addon...
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.
XenForo v2 uses Composer behind the scenes to include certain packages used by the core software. As addon developers, we can...
This add-on uses Credis with a custom cache provider for Redis. For best performance, install the php extension: phpredis
You must have a Redis instance installed, this is likely not possible with shared hosting
While XenForo 2 has a redis connector, it requires phpredis. This add-on does not...
XenForo 2.2.15 Released | XenForo 2.2.15 Released null | Add-ons Released
Hot on the heels of yesterday's XF 2.2.14 release and subsequent patches, we are today making XenForo 2.2.15 available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous...
Tút này không mới nhưng sẽ hữu ích cho ae nào mới lọ mọ XF
Step 1: Làm theo hướng dẫn tạo User-ID View mới https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3123666?hl=en
Step 2: Login Xenforo Admin -> Appearance -> Templates -> tìm template name: google_analytics
Tìm đoạn:
Today, we are releasing XenForo 2.1.12 to address two potential security vulnerabilities. We strongly recommend that all customers running XenForo 2.1 upgrade to 2.1.12 or use the attached patch file as soon as possible.
The issues are XSS vulnerabilities. XSS (Cross Site Scripting) issues...
xenforoxenforo 2.1.12 released
XenForo 2.2.1 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
Most importantly, this release fixes two potential security vulnerabilities in...
xenforoxenforo 2.2.1 released
Admin submitted a new resource:
Similar threads xenforo 2 - Shows a list of similar threads when a user is creating or viewing a thread.
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Admin submitted a new resource:
Items This Page xenforo 2 - Add template variable $xf.itemsThisPage for how many posts/media items/resources/etc are on a page
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Admin submitted a new resource:
Template Parent xenforo 2 - Template variable $xf.reply.templateParent groups all thread_view* and forum_view* templates
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template parent xenforo
Admin submitted a new resource:
[cv6] Notice Countdown Xenforo 2 - Adds the possibility to add a day countdown in a notice.
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Admin submitted a new resource:
[XenGenTr] Forum statistics system English Xenforo 2 - Forum statistics system, one of the best free Xenforo forum statistics system add-on.
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