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  1. Admin

    XenForo Resource Manager - Nulled by VXF.VN

    What is the Resource Manager? The Resouce Manager is an official XenForo add-on that allows you to manage resources such as files and tutorials or other article-like content along side your normal forum. The aim is allow content such as files to be listed with a focus on the initial content...
  2. Admin

    XenForo 1.2.4 - Nulled by VXF.VN

    XenForo 1.2.4 is a maintenance release in the 1.2 series and focuses on bug fixes and stability improvements. We recommend that all customers running a previous version of 1.2 upgrade when possible. If you are currently running XenForo 1.0 or 1.1, we also recommend upgrading to 1.2 when...
  3. Admin

    XenForo 1.2.3 - Nulled by VXF.VN

    XenForo 1.2.3 is the third maintenance release in the 1.2 series and focuses on bug fixes and stability improvements. We recommend that all customers running a previous version of 1.2 upgrade when possible. If you are currently running XenForo 1.0 or 1.1, we also recommend upgrading to 1.2 when...