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    [cXF] Node icons with image

    Would you like to change your default Font Awesome node icons with image like this? < read node > < unread node > To change a single node icon with an image add this code to your extra.less template: Change X with your node ID. (How to find node ID? Help with this resource.)...
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    Xin BBCode Spoiler Jquery With AnimateScroll

    nhờ các pro rip hộ e Spoiler của trang bachngocsach, trước e có nhờ ad pokemon ben vietvbb rip hộ sang vbb nhưng giờ muốn về xen để dùng cho site khác :D BB Code Enhancements [pokemon] BBCode Spoiler Jquery With AnimateScroll Demo: http://bachngocsach.com/forum/threads/13073 Download...
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    Spoiler For Hide Links From Guests MOD or BBCode

    Hey friends today i share my spoiler which is pretty impressive way to show bulk links in that Make sure you have installed below mod http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=123415&page=25 if above plugin is not working then try corrected plugin from Ozzy for vBulletin 4.2.2 is...