
  1. Admin

    Share VPS with 24GB of ram and 4 vcores

    The well-known brand Oracle, is offering some free services that we are going to take advantage of to get this VPS. Before we start, it is completely free but you need a credit or debit card that will receive a temporary charge of less than 1$ to verify that it is a valid card, and after...
  2. Admin

    Xenplaza – Select ALL & Clipboard: CODE, PHP, HTML

    Description: This is small modification to select all and copy to clipboard content in BBCode CODE, PHP and HTML Installation: - Upload contents of upload folder to your forum root - Add following code to the end of template page_container_js_body <xen:require...
  3. Admin

    Share cách tạo màu select khi copy hay xem bài viết

    Chú ý : Khi copy thì nó hiện màu vàng ấy.\m/ Với vBB 4: Các bạn vào temp additional.css dán vào dưới cùng Với vBB 3: Additional CSS Definitions cũng thế nhé ::-moz-selection{background:#f16529;color:#fff} ::selection{background:#f16529;color:#fff}