
  1. Admin

    Content BBCode xenforo 2 2.0.12

    About Note: v2.0 of this addon is a re-release of my existing " and BBCode" addon with a new addon ID. If you previously used this addon, it should automatically upgrade when installing this new version - but otherwise, just uninstall the old addon before installing this new one - no data will...
  2. Admin

    [OzzModz]/[Kirby] Search Threads by prefix only

    Admin submitted a new resource: [OzzModz]/[Kirby] Search Threads by prefix only - Search by prefix Read more about this resource...
  3. Admin

    [OzzModz] Prefix View In ACP

    Admin submitted a new resource: [OzzModz] Prefix View In ACP - Prefix view in ACP Read more about this resource...
  4. Admin

    Attractive Thread Prefix

    Hey Friends, This idea just came up by seeing XenForo threads Prefix style they really look attractive, Any how if you like you can use them aswell just follow below procedure.... Copy below CSS Code to additional.css template .mcbadge_v { background: none...
  5. Admin

    Hướng dẫn fix lỗi Thread Prefix Listing 1.2.0

    Sau thi install add-ons Thread Prefix Listing 1.2.0 bị lỗi Cách khắc phục: - Tìm /library/PrefixForumListing/Extend/ControllerPublic/Forum.php Dòng thứ 5: public function actionIndex() Sửa thành public function actionForum() Dòng 7 $response = parent::actionIndex(); Sửa thành...