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    Embed CL3VER 3D scenes in vBulletin

    CL3VER.com allows you to easily create interactive 3D Presentations. Live Demo: http://www.qapla.com/mods/showthread.php/1225-CL3VER-Custom-BBcode-Test These presentations can then be embedded into vBulletin by use of a custom BB Code. When you are ready to embed a CL3VER scene you will...
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    Embed box.com PDF files in vBulletin

    Hi, Simple BB Code to embed Pdf Files from Box.com How to Install Custom BB Codes->Add New BB Code Title: Embed Pdf BB Code Tag Name: Pdf Replacement: <div align="center"><iframe...
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    NEW Editor Tags allow you to embed the CodeMirror code editor in posts

    NEW Editor Tags allow you to embed the CodeMirror code editor in posts as an editable alternative to [code], [html] and [php] tags This is a whole new version of editor tags that replaces the ones here http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=298625. This new version uses the...