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  1. Admin

    Clean 3 Column Custom Field Lists xenforo 2

    Want clean 1-3 columns for different devices? Display one on smaller devices: Two on medium: And three on large: Add this code to extra.less .listInline--customField { @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { columns: 1; -webkit-columns: 1; -moz-columns: 1; } @media only screen and...
  2. Admin

    Hướng dẫn hiển thị diễn đàn con - Sub Categories in Columns Xenforo 1.2

    Cài đặt : Bước 1: Vào templates node_forum_level_2 Tìm <xen:if is="{$renderedChildren} AND {$level} == 2 AND @nodeListSubForumPopup"> <div class="Popup subForumsPopup"> <a href="{xen:link forums, $forum}" rel="Menu" class="cloaked" data-closemenu="true"><span...