This XenForo 2.x addon adds additional definitions for bot detection in sessions.
This allows more accurate indication of the number of users vs robots online at any given time.
New bot definitions are pulled automatically via API and potential new bots detected are sent back to the addon...
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.
XenForo v2 uses Composer behind the scenes to include certain packages used by the core software. As addon developers, we can...
Admin submitted a new resource:
[OzzModz] Separate Active/Inactive/Installable/Legacy Addons - Clean up the addon list
Read more about this resource...
Admin submitted a new resource:
Question Threads to XF 2.2 - Convert "Question Threads" addon data to XenForo 2.2 internal question-solution system.
Read more about this resource...
Hi a little addon for you to use with vBCredits Delux II for earning / loosing points for Shouts and Deleted Shouts.
do the following
edit includes/hooks_dbtech_vbshout.xml ADD:
Save and...
Tình hình là cái host admin share em addon nó báo : Another user owns “”. The administrator must remove theDNS zone for “” if the zoneis no longer in use. Admin xem giúp & hướng dẫn em addon với !!! Tks admin :)