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[XFA] Tags Generator - XF2

[XFA] Tags Generator - XF2 3.0.3

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
  3. 2.2
Additional requirements
XenForo Resource Manager 2.0.0+ (Optional - For resources tagging)
It's time to get the content of your forum tagged to meet your expectations !

With this add-on from XFA, you can generate tags for the elements which are not sufficiently tagged on your forum, supporting the following content tagging:
  • Threads
  • Resources
  • More to come in the future
The generator search for threads meeting the criteria you specify and suggests tags based on word occurrences in the item content.

Key Features
  • Implemented for threads, resources and documents
  • Suggest words based on most occurrences. Occurence is displayed in the search for information.
  • Capability to filter words to ignore thanks to global options and on search options
  • Common criteria available to search for the different items type:
    • Number of items to process per page
    • Number of existing tags limit
    • Number of tags to suggest
    • Minimum size of the tags to suggest
    • Minimum occurence of the tags to suggest
    • Include title in search
    • Words to ignore
    • Filter to only show threads containing specific word in title
    • Search only in specified categories
    • Exclude defined categories from search
    • Automatic processing of pages
  • Specific criteria for each type:
    • Threads
      • Number of first posts of the thread to use for analysis
    • Resources
      • Option to search in updates messages instead of just in the description
  • Automatic processing of pages leads to the suggested tags being automatically validated one page after the other, without a single click on the mouse
  • Automatic tags generation for non-tagged content
    • Can be activated individually for each of the supported content types
    • Fully configurable:
      • Maximum number of added tags
      • Minimum word size of the added tags
      • Minimum word occurence of the added tags



First release
Last update
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