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[CJ] Staff online widget vB5

[CJ] Staff online widget vB5 1.00

No permission to download
I created an add-on years ago which show online-staff-members by using the wol API, but after a mod show up here I decide to create a new version of my add-on.
This add-on uses vB5's own API and does not contain any special program code of a similar vB5-add-on that has already been uploaded here. It's more of a real vB5 version.

- 1.0.0 Initial Version


Just put the unzipped folder delistaffonline into the core/packages folder. The product will be installed automatically. After that you could first edit the settings in the admincp settings section and second edit a page with forums sitebuilder and put the module on any module-space.
Thats it!

Feel free to donate if you like my work: paypal.me/delicjous

I will not support the addon! I will not answer to free change-requests, version requests (works on vB5.X?) or anything else except your request have a good point of information!

All addons that only use the template api will not work if the forum templates are saved as files! I will not name any addons, but the last vB5 addons uploaded here are not best vB5 code!

I ask for your understanding that I only answer inquiries if they already contain enough information about what the add-on should be able to do. All other inquiries will be deleted without any answer.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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