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Resource 'Increase the character limit for nodes, titles, and user titles in XenForo 2 by tuoitreit.vn'
Hello everyone, today tuoitreit.vn excited to announce the release of an addon designed to help you increase the character limit for forum nodes, titles, and user titles in XenForo 2 to a maximum of 600 characters. This addon is fully compatible and works seamlessly with XenForo 2.3, the latest version. To showcase its functionality, I've prepared a demo in the form of images, highlighting how effortlessly you can now express yourself with longer titles and node descriptions. The current...
Resource 'Copy all code to clipboard for Xenforo 2'
Hello everyone, today I'm pleased to release a feature that allows copying all code to the clipboard for Xenforo 2. Works seamlessly across Xenforo 2 versions, including the latest Xenforo 2.3. Compatible with posts and resources. Easy installation and user-friendly. At just $9.99, it's a bargain for such a handy tool. For any inquiries, please leave a comment below. Wishing you success! Sources: tuoitreit.vn
Resource 'Automatically show custom images for broken post images in Xenforo 2 by tuoitreit.vn'
Hello everyone, Today, tuoitreit.vn would like to share an addon: Automatically display custom images when images in posts are broken for Xenforo 2. This addon automatically replaces broken image URLs in posts with custom images, ensuring that images are always displayed in your posts. You can customize these images in the options settings. Wishing you success, Don't forget to like if you find it helpful!
Resource 'Friendly link url tiếng việt không dấu cho xenforo 2 fix toàn bộ lỗi bởi tuoitreit.vn'
Chào các bạn, hôm nay tuoitreit.vn xin chia sẻ mod url tiếng việt không dấu cho xenforo 2, fix toàn bộ lỗi Khi cài vào url sẽ tự chuyển thành tiếng việt không dấu Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng phản hồi bên dưới Nguồn: tuoitreit.vn
Resource 'tuoitreit.vn add Facebook Comments Xenforo 2'
This add-ons code by tuoitreit.vn will add and manager Facebook comments You can modify number of comments, comments sort, language and colorscheme This add-ons won't lost facebook comments when change the url and the title Good luck for you! This is screenshots
Resource 'tuoitreit.vn remove or modify copyright xenforo 2'
This add-ons developed by tuoitreit.vn, if install add-ons will modify the copyright or remove it. If you want to remove the copyright you have only empty textbox Add your contents in options This is screenshots Good luck for you Source: tuoitreit.vn
Resource 'TUOITREIT Add Alt Text To Images Xenforo 2'
This add-ons develope by tuoitreit.vn, this add-ons will display the alt and the tiltle to images with prefix and thread title Source: tuoitreit.vn
Resource 'TUOITREIT Add Alt Images Resource Xenforo 2'
This add-ons develope by tuoitreit.vn, this add-ons will display the alt and the tiltle to images with prefix and thread title from resource Source: tuoitreit.vn