Đầu tiên thì anh em phải add mod phòng chat trước nha (phải hack trên styles mobile nữa đấy.
Sau đó thì làm tiếp như sau:
Mở styles /(tên _style )/ template /index_body.html
Tìm :
sau khi làm xong các bạn vào admcp, xóa bộ nhớ đệm, ra index tận hưởng nào
Sau đó thì làm tiếp như sau:
Mở styles /(tên _style )/ template /index_body.html
Tìm :
Thêm đằng sau:
<script type ="text / javascript "> // <![CDATA [ var form _name = 'postform '; var text _name = 'message '; var fieldname = 'chat '; var last_time = 0; var xmlHttp = http _object (); var last_id = {LAST _ID}; var type = 'receive '; var post_time = {TIME }; var read_interval = 15000; var interval = setInterval ('handle_send("read", last_id);', read_interval ); function handle_send (mode, f) { if (xmlHttp .readyState == 4 || xmlHttp .readyState == 0) { indicator _switch ('on'); type = 'receive '; param = 'mode=' + mode; param += '&last_id=' + last_id; param += '&last_time =' + last_time ; param += '&last_post=' + post_time ; param += '&read_interval =' + read_interval ; if (mode == 'add' && document .postform .message .value ! = '') { type = 'send'; for (var i = 0; i < f.elements .length ; i++) { elem = f.elements ; param += '&' + elem.name + '=' + encodeURIComponent (elem.value ); } document .postform .message .value = ''; } else if (mode == 'delete ') { type = 'delete '; param += '&chat _id=' + f; } xmlHttp .open("POST", '{FILENAME }', true ); xmlHttp .setRequestHeader ('Content -Type ', 'application /x-www- form -urlencoded '); xmlHttp .onreadystatechange = handle_return ; xmlHttp .send(param); } } function handle_return () { if (xmlHttp .readyState == 4) { if (type != 'delete ') { results = xmlHttp .responseText .split ('--!--'); if (results [1]) { if (last_id == 0) { document .getElementById (fieldname ).innerHTML = results [0]; } else { document .getElementById (fieldname ).innerHTML = results [0] + document .getElementById (fieldname ).innerHTML ; } last_id = results [1]; if (results [2]) { document .getElementById ('whois_online').innerHTML = results [2]; last_time = results [3]; if (results [4] != read_interval * 1000) { window.clearInterval (interval ); read_interval = results [4] * 1000; interval = setInterval ('handle_send("read", last_id);', read_interval ); document .getElementById ('update _seconds ').innerHTML = results [4]; } post_time = results [5]; } } } indicator _switch ('off '); } } function delete _post (chatid ) { document .getElementById ('p' + chatid ).style .display = 'none'; handle_send('delete ', chatid ); } function indicator _switch (mode) { if (document .getElementById ("act _indicator ")) { var img = document .getElementById ("act _indicator "); if(img.style .visibility == "hidden" && mode == 'on') { img.style .visibility = "visible "; } else if (mode == 'off ') { img.style .visibility = "hidden" } } } function http _object () { if (window.XMLHttpRequest ) { return new XMLHttpRequest (); } else if (window.ActiveXObject ) { return new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft .XMLHTTP "); } else { document .getElementById ('p_status ').innerHTML = 'Status : Cound not create XmlHttpRequest Object . Consider upgrading your browser .'; } } // ]]> </script > <span class="corners - top"><span></span></ span> <div class="header "> <div class=nav>Chatbox </ b></div> <div style ="text -align: center "> <form name="postform " id="text " method ="post" action ="javascript :void (0);" onSubmit ="handle_send ('add', this)"> <div class=head1><strong style ="color: aqua;"> {L_MESSAGE }:</ strong > <input type ="text " tabindex ="1" name="message " id="message " class="inputbox chatinput " /> <input type ="submit " class="button 1" value ="{L_SUBMIT }" name="submit " tabindex ="6" accesskey ="s"/>
</form ></div> <b style ="color: white ;">You must be a Registered User to Chat in the Shoutbox </div> </div> <span class="corners - bottom "><span></ span></span> </div> </div> <div align="left "> <div class="inner"> <span class="corners - top"><span></span></ span> <div class="shouts "> <div id="chat "> <div id="p {chatrow .MESSAGE _ID}" class="post bg {chatrow .CLASS }"> <div class="inner"><span class="corners - top"><span></span></ span> <div class="postbody "> <ul class="profile -icons"> <li class="delete -icon"> <span> {L_DELETE _POST}</ span> [/list] <div> {chatrow .USERNAME _FULL } « <b style ="font -size: 0.9em;"> {chatrow .TIME }[/b]</ div> <div class="head"> {chatrow .MESSAGE }</ div> </div> <dl class="postprofile " id="profile {postrow .POST_ID}"> </dl> <span class="corners - bottom "><span></ span></span> </div> </div>
sau khi làm xong các bạn vào admcp, xóa bộ nhớ đệm, ra index tận hưởng nào